Office of Research Protections


Our mission is to forge a partnership with the Main Line Health research community to conduct safe and ethical research. We are committed to guiding researchers in maintaining the highest standards of regulatory compliance with local, state and federal requirements. The ORP views research integrity as an integral measure of our success and looks to develop educational opportunities that continue and expand ethical research endeavors.

We are always looking to improve upon our processes and to that end we encourage you to visit our What's New section for the most recent updates to our policies and procedures for the IRB, IACUC and safety. Please feel free to contact our staff with any questions or concerns.

Main Line Health, Inc. is committed to safeguarding the rights and welfare of persons participating in research conducted under its jurisdiction. To that end it is cognizant of the Declaration of Helsinki—a code of ethics for clinical research—which had been approved by the World Medical Association initially in 1964. Additionally, Main Line Health, Inc. subscribes to and abides by the Belmont Report which contains a statement of basic ethical principles governing research involving human subjects which was issued by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects in 1978. Aware of its role in perpetuating ethical standards in the application of sound medical research, Main Line Hospitals maintains the above referenced documents on-site as a written embodiment of the ethical foundation for all research conducted on Main Line Health campuses.

Contact us

The Office of Research Protections
3803 West Chester Pike, Suite 250, Newtown Square, PA 19073

Jack Medendorp, MS, BSN, RN, CIP
Director, Office of Research Protections
Debra Thompson
Analyst, Office of Research Protections
Sandy Alyanakian
IRB Specialist, Office of Research Protection


At LIMR, safety is a priority in all aspects of our research. There are four committees within LIMR that oversee laboratory safety: the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), Institutional Chemical Safety Committee (ICC), Institutional Radioactive Safety Committee (IRC) and the LIMR General Safety Committee. These groups develop, implement, and coordinate the laboratory, biological, chemical and radiation safety programs for all of LIMR's research laboratories. In addition, the LIMR General Safety Committee assists Principal Investigators in providing training on general laboratory safety and overseeing the proper use and disposal of hazardous materials.

The LIMR IBC oversees research involving recombinant DNA, pathogenic organisms, and/or human or non-human primate derived materials (e.g., cell lines, tissues, fluid). Additionally, the Committee oversees all projects involving infectious agents (RG-2 and RG-3) and certain toxins, which are on the CDC Select agents list.

It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to submit the proposed research to the LIMR IBC, ICC, and/or IRC for approval before the research has begun. Research may not begin until the study protocol has been reviewed and approved by the respective safety committees.