Research for Other Diseases or Conditions

In conjunction with our core research programs in cancer and cardiovascular disease, LIMR investigators also study arthritis, diabetes, lupus, infectious disease, neurological disorders, gastrointestinal disease, regenerative medicine and population health — all with the goal of improving health and well-being.

LIMR researchers also study the microbiome, the term used to describe the trillions of microorganisms that live in and on each human being. A talk LIMR President and CEO George Prendergast, PhD, gave at the 2018 Imagine Solutions Conference describes our researchers’ keen interest and knowledge in the microbiome and how these microbes impact our digestion, immunity and overall health.

Additionally, Dr. Prendergast gave a live talk on Facebook about how the trillions of microorganisms that call you their home can impact your immunity, digestion, metabolism and overall health. This talk is available to view at: What is the Microbiome? 

Our location adjacent to Lankenau Medical Center allows researchers, nurses and physicians to work closely together. In particular, this proximity benefits our basic researchers who gain a more intimate understanding of clinical issues than generally gained at large academic medical centers.

LIMR also engages in clinical trials pertaining to a wide variety of disease conditions and disorders.

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