Catalyst Magazine

Catalyst magazine - Spring 2023/Summer 2023

Spring-Summer 2023

Inside this issue:

  • Showing a better way for coronary bypass
  • Antibodies created at LIMR playing key role in fight against polio
  • LIMR-backed start-up pursues drug to prevent diabetes-related blindness
  • Vitamin D may be a lifesaver against COVID pneumonia
Catalyst magazine - Fall 2022

Fall 2022-Winter 2023

Inside this issue:

  • A trailblazer in preventing sudden cardiac death
  • Research on limiting surgical scarring receives national coverage
  • Mandik-Nayak's research brings autoimmune disease treatment closer
  • Helping low-income patients navigate barriers to care
Catalyst magazine - Summer 2022

Summer 2022

Inside this issue:

  • Closer than ever to restoring the ability to regrow tissue
  • Trip to India focuses on early-warning signs of potential pandemic
  • Main Line Health nurse turns inventor to help with wound care
  • With $1.67M grant, LIMR pursues new approach to preventing life-threatening diabetes complications