Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Man standing at window holding coffee cup, staring outside

What is inpatient rehabilitation?

The inpatient drug and alcohol rehab program at Mirmont Treatment Center, a drug and alcohol treatment center located just outside of Philadelphia, addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the disease of addiction. Through participating in daily groups, individual and family counseling, and educational/experiential sessions, participants develop an understanding of themselves and their disease—which becomes the groundwork for recovery and healing.

Where holistic therapies meet evidence-based approaches

Two key components of the inpatient drug and alcohol rehab program are the practice of mindfulness and the use of body-centered therapies. Mindfulness is simply a way of relating purposefully and directly, in the present moment, to whatever is happening in life in a non-judgmental way. The practice of mindfulness helps patients develop present moment awareness and distress-tolerance skills. It also contributes to an overall sense of well-being. Body-centered therapies help patients experience their physical selves and how that relates to their emotional and spiritual lives. Yoga, body meditations and breath work are all self-empowering, body-centered practices we use at Mirmont.

Mirmont's inpatient drug and alcohol rehab includes:

  • Comprehensive assessment and individualized treatment plan
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Group therapy for men and women
  • Family counseling
  • Psychodrama/experiential groups

Our program also includes:

Throughout the treatment experience, patients are introduced to the 12 steps and participate in daily 12-step meetings. We also offer:

  • Educational sessions
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Smoking cessation program (optional)

The length of stay for the rehab program is based on the individual needs of the patient.

Related specialties

Holistic Pain Management and Addiction Treatment

We provide holistic pain management and addiction treatment, empowering clients to manage their pain without the use of addictive medications during their drug and alcohol treatment and recovery—and for a lifetime. Patients are introduced to self-acupressure, reiki, creative imagery, yoga, aromatherapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).

Relapse Prevention for Substance Abuse

Preventing relapse is critical to recovery and integral to the work we do at Mirmont, just outside Philadelphia. Helping people stay off drugs and alcohol often requires therapeutic interventions and relapse prevention skills based on deep understanding of what triggers the desire to use drugs or alcohol.

Trauma and Substance Abuse Treatment

Trauma and substance abuse treatment go hand-in-hand as unresolved trauma, neglect and loss are among the common underlying factors of alcoholism and addiction disorders. If these issues get overlooked in treatment, your program may end up focused more on symptom control than the root cause of addiction and relapse.