Trauma and Substance Abuse Treatment

What is trauma and substance abuse treatment?

Unresolved trauma, neglect and loss are among the most common underlying factors of alcoholism and addiction disorders. If these issues get overlooked in drug and alcohol treatment, your program may end up focused more on symptom control rather than the actual causes of addiction and relapse.

At Mirmont Treatment Center every member of our clinical staff is trauma-informed and trauma-competent, meaning each person is trained in the physiology, neuroscience and diagnosis of traumatic stress and related disorders—such as substance abuse—while also being skilled in treating trauma in a safe and therapeutic way. We approach trauma and substance abuse treatment together, with the deep understanding of how connected they are, and that trauma is a root cause of addiction.

Patients are able to work at group and individual levels to identify and process uncomfortable feelings related to trauma while developing healthy skills for coping with emotional pain and distress. Ultimately, patients gain a new perspective and begin to heal from past events, which increases the overall experience of recovery.

We invite you to come tour our facility on 33 wooded acres near Media, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia.

Holistic approach to trauma and substance abuse treatment

Our approach to healing trauma includes state-of-the art treatment modalities that are designed specifically to address the underlying trauma that not only coexists with addiction, but often fuels it.

Our whole-person approach to treatment includes traditional as well as integrative therapies, such as:

Trauma and substance abuse treatment patients at Mirmont also benefit from gender-specific groups, groups for co-occurring disorders, and pain management services, along with:

  • Acupuncture
  • Daily exercise program
  • Daily yoga practice
  • Somatic interventions

Research has demonstrated yoga and meditation as very effective in reducing PTSD symptoms while helping to reverse the nonverbal imprints of prior traumatic events.

Our clinical program further includes psychoeducational lectures about underlying factors of addiction, as well as group psychotherapy and individual therapy sessions led by trauma-sensitive clinicians.

The Phoenix Group: Trauma-specific services for substance abuse

Mirmont offers an internationally acclaimed, trauma-specific group called the Phoenix Group, which meets twice each week for extended sessions. This strength-based group takes its name from the mythical figure of the phoenix, which is a symbol of post-traumatic growth. With its emphasis on safety, the group primarily uses experiential therapy and the creative arts, including:

  • Sociometry
  • Psychodrama
  • Art therapy

And other interactive modalities, which allow the group to move beyond stories and narratives while putting things into action, providing a more embodied healing experience.

Phoenix group sessions help clients develop a sense of safety, connect with group members, and uncover the intersections of addiction and trauma. Instead of sitting in a circle telling war stories about trauma, this action-based group focuses on renegotiating the nonverbal imprints of trauma.

Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy for substance abuse

EMDR is one of the most researched and effective trauma and substance abuse treatments available. It is facilitated in individual sessions and begins with identifying and accessing your positive internal resources. These positive resources serve as helpful tools for regulating emotions and cravings outside of therapy. EMDR works by targeting specific traumatic memories for desensitization and reprocessing. Many patients experience significant change in PTSD after just a few sessions of EMDR.

Experiential psychodrama therapy groups for substance abuse

In response to client feedback about the exceptional value of our psychodrama groups in the trauma services, Mirmont has integrated experiential psychodrama therapy into the larger clinical program. Experiential therapy groups are facilitated by specially trained clinicians two to three times per week, providing every inpatient client with the opportunity to participate in experiential therapy. This unique aspect of our clinical program has been highly regarded by clients and distinguishes Mirmont from many other programs. Discover more about the difference at Mirmont Treatment Center.

VIPER: Substance abuse treatment program for first responders

The Valor with Integrity Program for Emergency Responders (VIPER) is a nationally recognized program that provides a safe, supportive vehicle for recovery while addressing the unique issues of first responders in recovery. The VIPER program participants include police, law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, corrections officers and military veterans.

Related specialties

Substance Abuse Treatment for Pregnant Women

Mirmont is one of a few treatment centers in the Philadelphia region that has designed a superior clinical program and rehab for pregnant women addicted to alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids and other substances, offering pregnant women suffering from substance use disorder the additional medical oversight necessary for safe, effective care.


Mirmont Treatment Center locations offer individualized treatment and rehabilitation care for those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction.

Mirmont Outpatient Services

Mirmont Treatment Center locations offer individualized treatment and rehabilitation care for those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction.

Valor with Integrity Program for Emergency Responders (VIPER)

VIPER is a nationally recognized first responder treatment program for substance abuse and trauma, providing a safe, supportive vehicle for recovery that addresses issues such as PTSD, crime scene trauma, family conflict, and work-related stress. Mindfulness meditation, yoga, EMDR and other holistic therapies are integrated with clinical methods for a whole-person approach to recovery and wellness.

LGBTQ Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services

We provide LGBTQ substance abuse treatment and mental health services through personalized group and individual counseling services in an affirming, culturally sensitive, competent and informed manner, and in an environment where LGBTQ people feel safe and comfortable sharing and processing their experiences.

Relapse Prevention for Substance Abuse

Preventing relapse is critical to recovery and integral to the work we do at Mirmont, just outside Philadelphia. Helping people stay off drugs and alcohol often requires therapeutic interventions and relapse prevention skills based on deep understanding of what triggers the desire to use drugs or alcohol.

Holistic Pain Management and Addiction Treatment

We provide holistic pain management and addiction treatment, empowering clients to manage their pain without the use of addictive medications during their drug and alcohol treatment and recovery—and for a lifetime. Patients are introduced to self-acupressure, reiki, creative imagery, yoga, aromatherapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).