Deaver Wellness Farm

Cultivating the relationship between food, health and environment

At Lankenau, we recognize the connection between nutrition and wellness. In collaboration with Greener Partners, we are one of only a few hospitals nationwide to take the progressive step of planting and maintaining a year-round organic garden on-site that is integrated into how we deliver health care. Our goal is to harness the power of locally grown food to strengthen our community’s health.

We offer a variety of farm-based education programs geared to school-age children. Through these programs, kids learn to connect with the source of healthy food, gain understanding of the science behind agriculture, and leave with an appreciation for the value of healthy eating.

The farm includes three dozen gardens, a greenhouse, composting area, and a variety of garden stations, including:

  • Herb station
  • Seeds station
  • Field tasting station
  • Roots and stems station
  • Flower and fruits station

Fresh produce from the farm makes its way to year-round farmers’ market for patients, visitors and employees. This bounty of nutritious food is also used to address the food insecurity and chronic disease management needs of our most vulnerable patients, and is donated to local food banks.

The Deaver Wellness Farm has produced more than 13,000 pounds of produce and educated over 1,500 school children since its opening on Earth Day, Friday, April 22, 2016.

The farm also offers a peaceful campus for patients, visitors, employees and community members through walking trails and gardening opportunities.

Learn more about our farm-based programs for young people or reserve today by calling 484.476.3434.

The Deaver Wellness Farm project is funded by a generous gift from the Delema G. Deaver Fund and a grant from the McLean Contributionship.

Farm education programs connect kids to healthy food sources

A joint initiative between Lankenau Medical Center and Greener Partners, the Deaver Wellness Farm offers school-age children and adults a unique, hands-on, garden-to-table education. This living outdoor classroom connects learners to the source of healthy food, promotes healthy eating, and investigates the science behind agriculture.

After digging, planting, pulling and harvesting, students are able to taste the produce they have worked with in delicious, nutritious snacks that are served at the completion of each class.

Choose one of our programs below and reserve today by calling 484.476.3434. We are open to adjusting grade levels for lessons upon request.

Each lesson at the Deaver Wellness Farm includes the harvest and preparation of a salad or healthy snack. All recipes are tree-nut and peanut free. Please discuss any other dietary restrictions at least one week before arrival.

Young Explorers

Grades pre-K–2 75–90 minutes Use the five senses to build observation skills and explore both plants and wildlife at the farm. Discover edible plant parts and learn why eating plants are part of a healthy diet. PA: 3.1.A; 3.2.B; AL 4.4; 10.1.H; 10.2.C

Seeds and Sprouts

Grades K–3
90 minutes
Explore the hidden side of plants! Students examine different kinds of seeds and roots, and begin to explore the relationship between seeds, soil, and the plants we eat.
PA: 3.1.A; 3.2.B; 3.3.A; 10.2.C

Growing Seasons

Grades 3–5
90 minutes
Step into the shoes of a farmer learn about seasonality and the climate of Pennsylvania. Make connections between what we see on supermarket shelves and what is ready for harvest in our area.
PA: 3.2.B; 3.3.A; 3.4.D; 4.4.B; 3.3.5.B1

Living Soil and Compost

Grades 3–8
90 minutes
Don’t call it dirt! Many organisms and decomposers are part of a soil food web, and soil affects all life on earth. Students explore the farm and discover the world of soils and compost.
PA: 3.3.3.A1; 4.1.3.D; 4.1.5.A; 4.1.8.B

A Pollination Picnic (May through October)

Grades 4–8
90 minutes
Learn about different methods of pollination, and observe pollinating insects at the farm. Discover the importance of pollination in agriculture and in nature.
PA: 4.1.A; 4.4.5.A; 10.1.H; 10.1.I

Food Justice

Grades 6–8
90 minutes
Students will discuss food access, food miles, and food systems. We will tour the farm, plant seeds or seedlings, and discuss the health benefits and environmental impacts of different food choices.
PA: 4.4.8.A; 6.4.8.D; 6.2.7.A