Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Making an appointment for genetic testing and risk assessment is one of the most responsible choices you can make to prepare for your future — it's a big part of preventative care. Learning about possible risks for heart disease and cardiac disorders can help you make important decisions both for yourself and your loved ones. 

About cardiovascular risk assessment and genetic counseling

At Main Line Health, we provide genetic evaluation to patients at increased risk for heart disease due to family or personal history. Cardiovascular genetic counseling includes a review and discussion of potential risk factors for heart disease. Many of these cardiac disorders can be inherited — such as arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease and high cholesterol.

Should I get genetic testing for cardiac conditions?

You've made an important step in your wellness journey by exploring risk assessment and counseling. You may benefit from cardiac risk counseling at Main Line Health if you have a personal or family history of:

Making sense of your personal and family history

During a genetics and risk assessment consultation, we will gather more information about your personal medical history and family cardiovascular history.

A personalized risk assessment may include:
  • Overview of cardiovascular risk factors, including genetics, lifestyle and environment
  • Comprehensive analysis of personal and family history and risk assessment
  • Discussion of customized risk management and screening recommendations, including opportunities for research
  • Coordination of genetic testing and interpretation of genetic test results
  • Identification of other family members who may be at risk
  • Identification of supportive and informational resources

Our genetic counselors will analyze all of this information and help you determine which genetic tests, if any, might be appropriate. To learn more about genetics services, call 484.565.GENE (4363).