Cancer Risk Assessment

Discovering possible risks for developing cancer (or passing the possibility of cancer down to your children) can help you make important decisions for your future. Main Line Health is here to help.  

About cancer risk assessment

Main Line Health's Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling Program is offered at multiple locations in the Philadelphia region and is available to anyone concerned about cancer risk due to a personal or family history.

It's estimated that at least 10% of cancer cases are caused by hereditary factors — or genes — passed down from one generation of a family to the next. Learning whether you inherited a cancer-related gene could help your provider create an early detection or prevention plan that's right for you.

Should I get genetic testing for cancer?

You’ve made an important step in your wellness journey by exploring our preventative care options. You may benefit from cancer risk counseling at Main Line Health if you or a blood relative has: 

  • Been diagnosed with cancer at age 50 or younger 
  • Been diagnosed with more than one type of cancer 
  • Been diagnosed with a rare cancer, such as adrenocortical, male breast, ovarian or pancreatic cancer 
  • Had a total 10 or more colorectal polyps 
  • Tested positive for a gene mutation that increases cancer risk 
  • A relative who tested positive for a gene mutation known to increase cancer risk 

Making sense of your personal and family history

During a genetics and risk assessment consultation, we'll gather more information about your personal medical history and family cancer history. If inherited risk is suspected, we will discuss the option of genetic testing with you.

Cancer genetic testing requires a blood or saliva sample, which can be provided at the time of your appointment.

A typical cancer risk assessment visit also includes:

  • An information session with a certified genetic counselor who provides an overview of cancer risk factors, including genetics, lifestyle and environment
  • Discussion of appropriate management guidelines
  • Coordination of genetic testing, when appropriate and interpretation of results
  • Referral resources for follow-up and support

To learn more about genetics services, call 484.565.GENE (4363).