Family Services Support Group

Please join our Family Services Support Group via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 960 0733 7500
Meeting passcode: 797702
When: Wednesday evenings 6:30–8 p.m.

Family Support Services support group

Mirmont Treatment Center offers support services to family members of those who struggle with substance use disorders. Our family support services coordinator, Mary Cosgrove, MS, provides individualized support through our weekly support group. 

We also schedule phone consultations with members of this community to help support you throughout your journey.

Additionally, we offer several resources that focus on the disease model of addiction and its components as well as issues such as co-dependency and how to effectively support a loved one. Families will always have access to these services after their loved one has left treatment.

We recognize the challenges and struggles a family has often experienced prior to inpatient admission: broken trust, incredible confusion, and overwhelming stress. Addiction is a family disease—it affects everyone, not just the person dealing with addiction. While we are treating your loved one at the inpatient level, we encourage you to engage with our multi-faceted, family support programming. Involvement in the treatment process not only strengthens the patient recovery experience, it helps initiate the healing process for the family.

If you are struggling to navigate life while loving someone with a substance use disorder, you are not alone in this journey. To reach Mary Cosgrove directly, please call 484.227.1359 or email