Postoperative Care Team

Surgeon - You picked your surgeon because you trust him/her to do the best job on your surgery. Your surgeon will direct your care and lead a team of dedicated professionals that includes physician assistants (PAs), nurse practitioners (NPs) and residents who will make sure you have a great experience.

Medical physician - The cardiologist and/or a medical physician who cleared you for your surgery will monitor your medical care after your surgery. These skilled physicians work closely with our hospital care team. They are experienced in caring for patients with medical issues after surgery.

Physician assistants (PAS) and nurse practitioners (NPS) - These team members are an important part of the surgery team, both in the OR and post-operatively. They will be in constant communication with your surgeon to make sure that you get the best care possible, and that you are informed about your medical status at all times.

Nursing care - When you arrive in your room, your nurse and patient care technician will help you get settled in. He/she will show you where your call bell is located, help you change into your gown, take your vital signs, make sure all of your belongings have been transferred from the pre- and post-op area, assess your pain level and treat appropriately and provide you with a snack and something to drink until your meal arrives.

Physical therapy - Physical therapy might be needed to assess your ambulation and navigation of steps if the Occupational Therapist determines you are not steady on your feet after surgery.

Occupational therapy - Occupational therapy will begin within 24 hours of your surgery. The occupational therapist will review the activities of daily living after having shoulder surgery, such as dressing, toileting, bed transfers and chair transfers. They will also review your sling/immobilizer wear and any motion your surgeon is allowing you to do with the surgical arm.

Care manager - The care manager will meet you the day after your surgery. He/she will review your home situation and your plans for discharge. The length of your stay at the hospital will be determined by how well you do post-operatively. If you are going to a rehabilitation facility, your insurance company is involved in authorizing and determining your length of stay at the facility.

Members of your care team may also include:

  • NM—Nurse Manager—manages nursing care and orthopaedic unit
  • SW—Social Worker—may handle your discharge planning
  • Respiratory therapist—specialist in airway management, mechanical ventilation and pulmonary hygiene; they evaluate and treat respiratory and cardiovascular problems, if needed
  • US—Unit Secretary
  • Environmental services—provides housekeeping services
  • Host/hostess—delivers your meals

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