Lung and Thoracic
Main Line Health experts use the latest technology to diagnose and treat all types of conditions affecting the chest, lungs and esophagus.
Many people with chronic lung diseases slowly lose the ability to function normally. Shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, fatigue and sometimes panic attacks interfere with everyday tasks such as walking, performing household chores, climbing stairs and even taking a shower.
As a result, patients may experience:
Our comprehensive outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is designed to help patients get healthier, improve their quality of life and decrease the possibility of future hospitalizations through a structured program of exercise and education.
Under the direction of a pulmonologist or physiatrist, respiratory therapists and other members of our pulmonary team customize an exercise plan for each patient based on his or her test results, individual circumstances and goals. Program participants meet for one- to two-hour sessions, two to three times per week. The number of weeks varies, depending on the patient’s needs and goals.
Upon completion of the program, we provide patients with additional recommendations to assist them in achieving their goals, including a maintenance program.
Education is also an important part of our Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program. Patients are taught more about their lung disorders, including:
Main Line Health experts use the latest technology to diagnose and treat all types of conditions affecting the chest, lungs and esophagus.